Keto diet mistakes: 10 reasons for not losing weight

Many followers of the keto diet make keto diet mistakes without knowing it until they are surprised that their weight does not decrease, and at that time they wonder why the weight does not decrease. 

They may be eating high-fat foods, but there are mistakes they make that cause them not to get the desired results.

What are the common keto diet mistakes that prevent weight loss?

Keto diet mistakes 1

These errors are:

  • Low fat content in the diet.
  • High protein content in the diet.
  • Eat too many calories.
  • Lack of drinking water and fluids.
  • Failure to replace minerals and vitamins.
  • Excessive intake of dairy products.
  • Eating too many sweets is one of the most common keto diet mistakes.
  • Relying on snacks is one of the mistakes of the keto diet.
  • Eat hidden carbohydrates and sugars.
  • Lack of sleep is one of the mistakes of the keto diet.

We will discuss the mistakes of the keto diet in detail

Low fat content in the diet:

The first keto mistake that you should pay attention to is that this leads to the person exiting the state of ketosis because the body then uses carbohydrates to obtain energy by converting them into glucose.

High-protein diet:

The percentage of calories from protein that must be provided in the ketogenic diet should not exceed 25%, and increasing it beyond this percentage leads to adverse results and is one of the mistakes of the keto diet.

The reason for this is that the increase in proteins will be converted into glucose, which prevents the body from relying on fats for energy, and this may lead to an increase in the accumulation of fats in the body.

Gluconeogenesis is a natural process carried out by the body that converts excess proteins into glucose.

When following the ketogenic diet, the body produces glucose at different rates to maintain its functions, which is why the proportion of carbohydrates decreases to 5% of calories.

It must be known here that some parts of the body need carbohydrates to survive, such as red blood cells and some brain cells.

The body naturally converts excess glucose into gelcogen and stores it to benefit from it in the event of a deficiency. 

The renewal rate also decreases if carbohydrates are present in abundance in the body.

The large presence of carbohydrates in the body makes the body obtain glucose, convert proteins and carbohydrates into fats, and store them in the body, and from here, obesity appears.

In the ketogenic diet, the body stores proteins and carbohydrates and converts them into glycogen to support body systems that need a constant supply of carbohydrates.

He later resorts to fats in order to break them down and obtain ketones, which will be his energy source instead of glucose, but this takes a long time.

Therefore, it is recommended not to rely on fatty meats to a large extent because the percentage of proteins in them is high, which leads to you making keto diet mistakes

There are other sources, such as butter and healthy oils.

Eating too many calories:

The saying “eat whatever you want on keto, the important thing is that the percentage of fat is high” is an incorrect sentence, as too many calories is one of the mistakes of the keto diet.

If you are working on giving your body more calories than it burns, this will lead to weight gain because the body will store excess fat.

Not drinking too much water:

Also, one of the mistakes of the keto diet is not drinking water. 

It is scientifically proven that drinking water increases the rate of burning fat in the body, so an individual should drink about 3 cups of water daily.

Water also helps distribute nutrients in the body, expel toxins, and burn fat, so drinking less of it is one of the mistakes of the keto diet.

When starting the ketogenic diet, the individual needs to drink plenty of water. 

Because the body gets rid of water at a greater rate than usual when reducing carbohydrates.

Keto diet mistakes 2

Failure to replace minerals and vitamins:

When switching from a carbohydrate diet to a keto diet, a person experiences a number of symptoms that last for 7 days or may exceed that, and many people may suffer from them, including:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • Drought.
  • frequent urination.
  • Lethargy and inability to exercise.
  • Bad breath.
  • Lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.
  • Constipation.
  • diarrhea.
  • Allergies.

But these symptoms are evidence that you are on the right track and can be overcome by drinking plenty of water and taking supplements to achieve a balance of minerals and vitamins.

Refraining from drinking water or taking keto nutritional supplements is one of the mistakes of the keto diet that leads to not reducing body weight easily and makes the transition to the state of ketosis more difficult.

Excessive intake of dairy products:

Moderation is the key to getting rid of the mistakes of the keto diet. 

It is true that dairy products are beneficial for keto, as they are rich in fats and proteins.

But if you eat it in large quantities, it will lead to an increase in the percentage of proteins in the body, which will lead you to abandon the ketogenic diet, which is one of the most frequent keto diet mistakes.

The amount of cheese eaten during the day should range between 30 and 50 grams, and attention should be paid to the protein and carbohydrate content in each meal.

Eating a lot of keto sweets, The most famous keto diet mistakes:

It is true that keto sweets can be eaten during the ketogenic diet, but eating too many of them is one of the most famous keto diet mistakes.

Eating sweet foods constantly may increase your desire for carbohydrates, so they should not be a main component of keto.

Make sure to eat snacks from the keto diet:

Snacks are a magic solution in the keto diet, as the ketogenic diet allows you to eat snacks when you feel very hungry.

The main goal of snacks is to provide the body with more energy instead of obtaining it from fat stored in the body.

Therefore, one of the mistakes of the keto diet would be to rely too much on snacks when we want to lose weight, because they will not help in that.

Resorting to snacks should be between main meals and only in cases of extreme hunger, but it is preferable to stay away from them if we are looking to lose weight.

Eat hidden carbs and sugars:

One of the mistakes of the keto diet is not reading the ingredients of what we buy. 

Foods may seem low in carbohydrates, but they are not. 

When you eat them, you exit the keto diet.

You should know that hidden carbohydrates are in spices, seasonings, tomato sauce, and ketchup.

If you want not to make the mistakes of the keto diet, you must check the nutritional values ​​on the food before using it.

You must read any label on packaged food items. 

It will not take seconds, but it will make a difference in weight loss.

You should avoid drinks that contain hidden sugar, as well as medications, because this greatly affects weight loss.

Keto diet mistakes 3

Lack of sleep is one of the most common keto diet mistakes:

There is research that confirms that sleeping between 7-9 hours per night helps the body get rid of fat.

Not taking enough time to sleep is considered one of the mistakes of the keto diet that leads to a less effective metabolism.


In the end, if you have excluded all of the previous keto diet mistakes and your weight remains stable, we recommend that you visit a doctor to find out about the health problems that may prevent you from losing weight and work to solve them.
